27 x 112 cm (aperto), 28,5 x 20,5 x 2,5 cm (chiuso).
carta Hahnemühle da 300 gr/mq, copertine in cartone e scatola di legno.
Libro a fisarmonica con sezioni piegate, stampa xilografica a secco (senza inchiostro) su carta Hahnemühle da 300 gr.e scrittura a matita.
Il suo titolo è “LA TALA”, in quanto si riferisce all’abbattimento indiscriminato di alberi autoctoni per la coltivazione temporanea (a volte illegale) di altri prodotti economicamente più redditizi, distruggendo intere foreste che incidono sull’ambiente dell’intero pianeta.
Trata sobre la tala indiscriminada de árboles autóctonos para el cultivo (a veces, ilegalmente) de otros productos más rentables económicamente, destruyendo bosques enteros que afectan al medio ambiente de todo el planeta.
Biografia essenziale
Born in Madrid (Spain), 1956.
Based in the Region of Murcia since 1991.
Graduated in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid in 1988 and took a master’s degree in Artistic Production and Administration from the University of Murcia in 2011.
He has worked as a teacher at various art colleges: School of Art “La Palma” in Madrid (1989-90), Burgos School of Art (1990-91), Murcia School of Art (1991-2010) and the Advanced School of Design in Murcia (2010-19).
His work has been shown in a number of solo and collective exhibitions of painting and sculpture since 1981. In recent years, alongside his teaching activity, he has been working on numerous personal projects related to creating artist’s books. He was initially attracted by their experimental nature, as well as their convenient size, their portability and the versatility of the materials used, especially paper. He also appreciated the use of very immediate visual techniques such as watercolor and ink, accompanied by modular folding and cuts or perforations.
From the conceptual point of view, each work has a different starting point. It is sometimes a response to an event in our environment that reveals the fragility and instability of our way of life and our natural surrounding; this leads him to use certain visual or poetic processes that express what we feel at such times. He is also interested in subjects related to the urban landscape and life in the city, verging on alienation, using cut and folded geometric forms.
The great majority of the artist’s books he creates are unique copies, although some are easily publishable. They are produced in their entirety by himself, who is personally responsible for designing the structure of the book, printing the images or text, executing the drawings or painting and caring out the folding and binding. As for the form, although there are codex-type books with pages sewn into the spine, the work are predominantly folded concertina-fashion, although he has recently been producing quite a few examples in de the form of ancient scrolls.
Some of the artist’s books he has created are entirely visual, with no verbal elements, and others are completely full of text and have no images. Most of them, however, consist of a seamless amalgamation of form, image and writing, normally written by hand, with structures close to sculpture, he aims to involve the viewer by using spaces that generate poetic and visual forms, related to the orden and chance that coexist in humane nature.