Who we are

SINCRESIS is a cultural association for contemporary arts founded in 2006 by Alessandra Scappini, an historian and critic of contemporary art, in Empoli in province of Florence, located at the crossroads between Florence, Pisa and Siena in Tuscany.

Our aims are the following:

– knowledge and promoting advantages of art, architecture and design in various expressions as social and cultural aspects of our time.

– Promotion of contemporary culture and contemporary artistic experiences as a new interpretation and connection with our past.

– Promotion and development of intercultural awareness (between styles, generations and peoples) through research and experimentation carried out by young artists of every origin in multiple sectors of art and culture.

– Promoting advantages of the territory as a historic and artistic environment through projects and proposals of ideas in collaboration with public and private institutions.

– Elaboration of territorial projects towards an utility of the arts and experimentation of the different languages of contemporary culture in according to cross-curricular programs

– To favour cultural exchanges and integration and raising awareness through activities and suitable strategies.

– Promotion of cultural activities and organization of events, exhibitions, reunions, meetings, courses and workshops of various topics.

– Production and publication of multimedia, printed materials, books and catalogues, to inform, compare and discuss projects and ideas in course.

– Categorising and carrying out research activities of architectonic and artistic heritage .

– Reconsideration of lesser known artistic expressions in contemporary art, and promotion of research and experimentation of young artists, architects and designers.

– Categorising of artistic works according to those artistic personalities who lived in the past and who live in the present.

– Activating services and sites for the development of cultural and social activities in free time to favour permanent education.

These activities have social and cultural aims. Our association proposes these programs and projects in D’A Art space as a workshop environment, where it is possible for artists, critics, enthusiastic people to discuss, to exchange, to reflect without necessarily following trends, but to propose artistic situations about poetic and poetry of art according to own time.


SINCRESIS Associazione Culturale per le Arti Contemporane

Sede: Via della Repubblica, 52/54 – 50053 Empoli (Firenze) – Tel. +39 0571 73619 – info@sincresisarte.com

Orari di apertura

Lunedì - Sabato: 16:00 – 19:30
Domenica: su appuntamento